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Brígida Campbell is a transdisciplinary artist and a professor in the Visual Arts course of the School of Fine Arts, in the Federal University of Minas Gerais. For over ten years, she has researched the connections between art and the urban environment, collective work, and socially engaged art. Her work involves classes, curatorships, lectures, written publications, workshops and exhibitions. In her body of work, she communicates through different languages, such as painting, drawing, installations, video, urban interventions, graphic arts, and performances, exploring the poetic subtleties of daily life, creating images of situations that estimulate imagination, creativity and collective initiatives. She is a collaborator at the Espaço Experimental de Arte (EXA), in Belo Horizonte. She was one of the two artists behind the artistic duo Poro, through which she performed collective works within the public sphere from 2002 to 2017.
She holds a PhD in Visual Arts from the School of Communication and Arts - University of São Paulo (2018) and a Master’s Degree from the School of Fine Arts - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2007). Her doctoral thesis earned a Honorable Mention at the Tese Destaque Award of the University of São Paulo in 2020, in the field of Linguistics, Literature and Arts. As an artist, she took part in many exhibitions and artistic residences in Brazil and overseas, including: Brazil Soft Power, Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Ein Tag Danach, Bunker 101, Cologne; Eletronika Festival, Belo Horizonte; Cidade Gráfica, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo; 3rd Biennial of Bahia, Salvador; Arte: Diálogo, CCBB Belo Horizonte; Brasília: (Cidade) [Estacionamento] (Parque) [Condomínio] - Funarte, Brasília; CRio Festival 2012, 2nd Creativity World Forum, Pier Mauá, Rio de Janeiro; Vizinhos, Vernetzte Kunst in Brasilien, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna (Austria); and the Festival de San Martin de Los Andes (Argentina), among others.
She was one of the project coordinators for Arte e Política na América Latina (2021), a project curator for “Muros - Territórios Compartilhados”, and one of the organizers for SEMANÁRIA – Graphic Art Week of EBA-UFMG. She is the author of “Arte para uma cidade sensível - Art for a sensitive city” (2015), “Pequeno Guia Afetivo da Comida de Rua de Salvador” (2014), “Exercício para a Liberdade” (2016), and “Intervalo, Respiro, Pequenos Deslocamentos - ações poéticas do Poro” (2009). She is also the editor of the magazines “NUVEM” and “Refil”.
2018 – PhD in Visual Arts - School of Communication and Arts, University of São Paulo (USP)
2007 – Master’s Degree in Visual Arts - School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
2004 – Undergraduate in Fine Arts - School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
2020 - Honorable Mention, Tese Destaque USP 2020
2015 - Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2015, best book in the Brazilian Street Food category, with “Pequeno Guia Afetivo da Comida de Rua de Salvador”
2014 - Funarte Grant for Critical Production in Visual Arts
2012 - Funarte Award for Contemporary Art
2010 - Contemporary Art Publication in a Foreign Language Award - Fundação Bienal de São Paulo and the Ministry of Culture
2010 - Video selected for the Registros Award, Canal Contemporâneo
2008 - Videos awarded at the ImageTag Festival by the Telemig Celular Institute in the categories Popular Vote and Specialized Jury
2008 - Honorable mention/award at the contest for posters depicting the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Special Secretariat for Human Rights - UNESCO
Published Books:
- “Arte e política na América Latina”; org. 2021,
- “Guía Practica Para Experimentar el Vacío”; 1st ed. Ciudad de México: La Colmena, 2016.
- “Arte para uma cidade sensível - Art for a sensitive city”; 1st ed. São Paulo: Invisíveis Produções, 2015.
- “Manifesto por uma cidade lúdica e coletiva, por uma arte pública, crítica e poética”; Ed. Belo Horizonte: Poro, 2014
- “Exercício para a Liberdade”; São Paulo: Invisíveis Produções, 2014.
- “Pequeno Guia Afetivo da Comida de Rua de Salvador”; Poro, 2014.
- “Intervalo, Respiro, Pequenos Deslocamentos - ações poéticas do Poro”; org. 1st ed. São Paulo: Radical Livros, 2011.
Articles in Periodicals:
- “Manifesto pela Arte e Cidade”; Revista da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Vol. 20, p. 4, 2013.
- “Poesia no Espaço Público”; Revista REFIL - Magazine in Laboratory Format, Vol. 2, p. 8, 2009.
Chapter of books:
- “Coleção Ensaios Brasileiros Contemporâneos - Artes Visuais”; 1st ed.: Funarte, 2017.
- “Cidade em Transe”; “Práticas de ocupação da cidade”. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Rio Museum of Art (MAR), 2016.
- “Caderno de Referências”; In: Juliana Gontijo. (Org.). “Caderno de Referências”; 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Circuito, 2016.
- “Ser Artista - Poro”; In: Editora Binóculo. (Org.). “Ser Artista - Poro”; 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Binóculo, 2013.
- “Ações Urbanas - Poesia e Política no espaço público”; In: Maria do Carmo Freitas Veneroso; Maria Angélica Melendi. (Org.). “Diálogos entre linguagens”; Belo Horizonte: Com Arte, 2010.
Artistic Residences
2017 - Ateliê Ana Ruas – Campo Grande, MS
2016 - Institute of Urban Dreaming Research – Manchester, England
2016 - Taller La Colmena - Universidad Nancional Autónoma de México, Mexico
2012 - The Jardim Canadá Center of Art and Technology (JACA) – Belo Horizonte, MG
2009 - Terra UNA – Liberdade, MG
2008 - Morro da Vargem Artistic Residence – Espírito Santo
Main Exhibitions (2020-2014)
2021 Um animal que inventa a si próprio; RV Cultura e Arte Gallery, Salvador, BA
Outras Habitalidades; Kubitschek Residence Museum, Belo Horizonte, MG
2020 Além do Traço; Mama / Cadela, Belo Horizonte, MG
Pensamentos Temporariamente Perdidos; UFMG Winter Festival (online)
2018 Cartografias Imaginárias - a cidade e suas escritas; Sesc Palladium
Intervenção - Dia Mundial sem Carro (World Car Free Day, educational activity); CCBB Belo Horizonte, MG
2017 11th São Paulo Architecture Biennial
Inhotim Ocupações Temporárias (installation)
A sublime Invasão da Natureza na Cidade - Ateliê Ana Ruas
Coterrats; Barcelona, Spain
2016 Promising Home; People’s History Museum, Manchester, England
Coisa Pública; Despina Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
Brazil Soft Power; Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, Netherlands
Anatomia de um livro; Luiz de Bessa State Public Library, Belo Horizonte, MG
Imaginary Kid Napping; annex to the Luiz de Bessa State Public Library, Belo Horizonte, MG
Verão Arte Contemporânea; Municipal Park of Belo Horizonte, MG
2015 Eletronika Festival; Belo Horizonte, MG
Avessa; Print Art Fair, SESC Pompéia SP
O Papel do Museu; National Museum, Brasília, DF
2014 Cidade Gráfica; Itaú Cultural, São Paulo
3rd Biennial of Bahia; Esteio Gallery, Salvador, BA
Simbio; Minas Vale Memorial, Belo Horizonte, MG
Naturantes; Paço das Artes, São Paulo
Virada Cultural; Sesc Ipiranga, São Paulo
SESC Pompeia Publishing Fair, São Paulo
COPAS Project; Goethe Institute, São Paulo
Independência: Quem troca?; Art and Research Gallery, UFES, Vitória, ES
Arte: Diálogo; CCBB Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, MG
Art Week of Londrina, PR
Access to complete Lattes curriculum:

Brígida Campbell is a transdisciplinary artist and a professor in the Visual Arts course of the School of Fine Arts, in the Federal University of Minas Gerais. For over ten years, she has researched the connections between art and the urban environment, collective work, and socially engaged art. Her work involves classes, curatorships, lectures, written publications, workshops and exhibitions. In her body of work, she communicates through different languages, such as painting, drawing, installations, video, urban interventions, graphic arts, and performances, exploring the poetic subtleties of daily life, creating images of situations that estimulate imagination, creativity and collective initiatives. She is a collaborator at the Espaço Experimental de Arte (EXA), in Belo Horizonte. She was one of the two artists behind the artistic duo Poro, through which she performed collective works within the public sphere from 2002 to 2017.
She holds a PhD in Visual Arts from the School of Communication and Arts - University of São Paulo (2018) and a Master’s Degree from the School of Fine Arts - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2007). Her doctoral thesis earned a Honorable Mention at the Tese Destaque Award of the University of São Paulo in 2020, in the field of Linguistics, Literature and Arts. As an artist, she took part in many exhibitions and artistic residences in Brazil and overseas, including: Brazil Soft Power, Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Ein Tag Danach, Bunker 101, Cologne; Eletronika Festival, Belo Horizonte; Cidade Gráfica, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo; 3rd Biennial of Bahia, Salvador; Arte: Diálogo, CCBB Belo Horizonte; Brasília: (Cidade) [Estacionamento] (Parque) [Condomínio] - Funarte, Brasília; CRio Festival 2012, 2nd Creativity World Forum, Pier Mauá, Rio de Janeiro; Vizinhos, Vernetzte Kunst in Brasilien, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna (Austria); and the Festival de San Martin de Los Andes (Argentina), among others.
She was one of the project coordinators for Arte e Política na América Latina (2021), a project curator for “Muros - Territórios Compartilhados”, and one of the organizers for SEMANÁRIA – Graphic Art Week of EBA-UFMG. She is the author of “Arte para uma cidade sensível - Art for a sensitive city” (2015), “Pequeno Guia Afetivo da Comida de Rua de Salvador” (2014), “Exercício para a Liberdade” (2016), and “Intervalo, Respiro, Pequenos Deslocamentos - ações poéticas do Poro” (2009). She is also the editor of the magazines “NUVEM” and “Refil”.
2018 – PhD in Visual Arts - School of Communication and Arts, University of São Paulo (USP)
2007 – Master’s Degree in Visual Arts - School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
2004 – Undergraduate in Fine Arts - School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
2020 - Honorable Mention, Tese Destaque USP 2020
2015 - Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2015, best book in the Brazilian Street Food category, with “Pequeno Guia Afetivo da Comida de Rua de Salvador”
2014 - Funarte Grant for Critical Production in Visual Arts
2012 - Funarte Award for Contemporary Art
2010 - Contemporary Art Publication in a Foreign Language Award - Fundação Bienal de São Paulo and the Ministry of Culture
2010 - Video selected for the Registros Award, Canal Contemporâneo
2008 - Videos awarded at the ImageTag Festival by the Telemig Celular Institute in the categories Popular Vote and Specialized Jury
2008 - Honorable mention/award at the contest for posters depicting the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Special Secretariat for Human Rights - UNESCO
Published Books:
- “Arte e política na América Latina”; org. 2021,
- “Guía Practica Para Experimentar el Vacío”; 1st ed. Ciudad de México: La Colmena, 2016.
- “Arte para uma cidade sensível - Art for a sensitive city”; 1st ed. São Paulo: Invisíveis Produções, 2015.
- “Manifesto por uma cidade lúdica e coletiva, por uma arte pública, crítica e poética”; Ed. Belo Horizonte: Poro, 2014
- “Exercício para a Liberdade”; São Paulo: Invisíveis Produções, 2014.
- “Pequeno Guia Afetivo da Comida de Rua de Salvador”; Poro, 2014.
- “Intervalo, Respiro, Pequenos Deslocamentos - ações poéticas do Poro”; org. 1st ed. São Paulo: Radical Livros, 2011.
Articles in Periodicals:
- “Manifesto pela Arte e Cidade”; Revista da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Vol. 20, p. 4, 2013.
- “Poesia no Espaço Público”; Revista REFIL - Magazine in Laboratory Format, Vol. 2, p. 8, 2009.
Chapter of books:
- “Coleção Ensaios Brasileiros Contemporâneos - Artes Visuais”; 1st ed.: Funarte, 2017.
- “Cidade em Transe”; “Práticas de ocupação da cidade”. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Rio Museum of Art (MAR), 2016.
- “Caderno de Referências”; In: Juliana Gontijo. (Org.). “Caderno de Referências”; 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Circuito, 2016.
- “Ser Artista - Poro”; In: Editora Binóculo. (Org.). “Ser Artista - Poro”; 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Binóculo, 2013.
- “Ações Urbanas - Poesia e Política no espaço público”; In: Maria do Carmo Freitas Veneroso; Maria Angélica Melendi. (Org.). “Diálogos entre linguagens”; Belo Horizonte: Com Arte, 2010.
Artistic Residences
2017 - Ateliê Ana Ruas – Campo Grande, MS
2016 - Institute of Urban Dreaming Research – Manchester, England
2016 - Taller La Colmena - Universidad Nancional Autónoma de México, Mexico
2012 - The Jardim Canadá Center of Art and Technology (JACA) – Belo Horizonte, MG
2009 - Terra UNA – Liberdade, MG
2008 - Morro da Vargem Artistic Residence – Espírito Santo
Main Exhibitions (2020-2014)
2021 Um animal que inventa a si próprio; RV Cultura e Arte Gallery, Salvador, BA
Outras Habitalidades; Kubitschek Residence Museum, Belo Horizonte, MG
2020 Além do Traço; Mama / Cadela, Belo Horizonte, MG
Pensamentos Temporariamente Perdidos; UFMG Winter Festival (online)
2018 Cartografias Imaginárias - a cidade e suas escritas; Sesc Palladium
Intervenção - Dia Mundial sem Carro (World Car Free Day, educational activity); CCBB Belo Horizonte, MG
2017 11th São Paulo Architecture Biennial
Inhotim Ocupações Temporárias (installation)
A sublime Invasão da Natureza na Cidade - Ateliê Ana Ruas
Coterrats; Barcelona, Spain
2016 Promising Home; People’s History Museum, Manchester, England
Coisa Pública; Despina Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
Brazil Soft Power; Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, Netherlands
Anatomia de um livro; Luiz de Bessa State Public Library, Belo Horizonte, MG
Imaginary Kid Napping; annex to the Luiz de Bessa State Public Library, Belo Horizonte, MG
Verão Arte Contemporânea; Municipal Park of Belo Horizonte, MG
2015 Eletronika Festival; Belo Horizonte, MG
Avessa; Print Art Fair, SESC Pompéia SP
O Papel do Museu; National Museum, Brasília, DF
2014 Cidade Gráfica; Itaú Cultural, São Paulo
3rd Biennial of Bahia; Esteio Gallery, Salvador, BA
Simbio; Minas Vale Memorial, Belo Horizonte, MG
Naturantes; Paço das Artes, São Paulo
Virada Cultural; Sesc Ipiranga, São Paulo
SESC Pompeia Publishing Fair, São Paulo
COPAS Project; Goethe Institute, São Paulo
Independência: Quem troca?; Art and Research Gallery, UFES, Vitória, ES
Arte: Diálogo; CCBB Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, MG
Art Week of Londrina, PR